Comilla Board SSC Result 2025 with Marksheet |

As we know Comilla Board SSC Result has been released. This means that the Comilla board is now available for SSC market students. If you want to see the result of the SSC exam, which has been held in Comilla Board, then you have come to the right place; through this article, you can access your result and also download the mark sheet.

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Dhaka Board SSC Result with Marksheet

Comilla Board SSC Result

Among the students of the Board of Intermediate and Secondary Education, Comilla has passed at a higher rate than the other eight general boards. If you are a student of the Comilla board, then you will be very excited to hear the news of the result. Now you are worried about finding the result, then no need to worry. We have told below how to check the result. You can check by following these steps.

SSC Result Comilla Board

How to Check SSC Result Comilla Board?

Here’s how you can download the Comilla Education Board SSC Examination Result 2025:

  1. Go to the Comilla Board website.
  2. Select either “Individual Result” or “Institute Base Result” option.
  3. Enter your roll number.
  4. To get the Comilla Board Marksheet.
  5. If you prefer to download paperless results, enter your institution’s EIIN number.
  6. Click the “Submit” button to proceed.

How to Check Comilla Board SSC Result Via SMS?

On the day of the result, the website gets loaded due to a lot of traffic, which causes the website to lag or crash. If this is the case with you, then there is another method by which you can check your results. You can check your results through SMS. This is a very good way to check the result, through which you can check your result immediately. Teletalk Bangladesh provides this service. You can use it after the official publication of the result. Alternatively, via SMS is the best way to check the result after the website slows down or crashes.

Here’s how to check your SSC Results of the Comilla Board using the SMS method:

  1. Open the SMS application on your mobile phone.
  2. Compose a message in the following format: SSC [Space] First 3 letters of your education board COM [Space] SSC Roll Number [Space] 2025.For example, if you’re from the Comilla Education Board with the roll number 200022, your message will be: SSC COM 200022 2025.
  3. Send this message to the number 16222.

Please note that you will be charged 2 Tk plus VAT per SMS. This SMS can be sent from any mobile operator’s SIM card. Once you’ve successfully sent the SMS, you will receive your Comilla Board SSC exam result 2025 in a return message within a few minutes.

Institution Result

You can check your institute results on the 2025 website. No printed copy is required; You can get your SSC results online. To access your result, you will need your institution’s EIIN number. If you have it working, great! If you’ve forgotten it, don’t worry—you can find your institution’s EIIN number on the same website.

Here’s how to download the institution-based result:

  1. Visit the website.
  2. Go to the Result page.
  3. Choose the “HSC/Alim/Equivalent” option.
  4. Select the year “2025”.
  5. Pick your Board Name.
  6. Enter your Institution EIIN Number.
  7. Click the “Get Result” button to download the PDF copy.

It’s that easy! Just follow these steps, and you’ll have your result in no time.

Comilla Board SSC Result Rescrutiny Process

This process, known as a “sour challenge” or recruitment, allows confident students to challenge their results. Even students with F grade are eligible to participate. To start the challenge, students must use a TalkTalk mobile SIM to send two messages in a specific format.

First Message:

  1. Type: RSC [Space] First 3 letters of Comilla Board Name [Space] Roll [Space] Subject CodeFor example:RSC COM 10345 123
  2. Send this message to the number 16222.

Second Message:

  1. Upon receiving a reply SMS indicating the application fee and a PIN for confirmation, proceed with the second message if you agree to the mentioned amount.
  2. Type: RSC [Space] YES [Space] PIN [Space] Contact NumberFor example:RSC YES 654321 01710……
  3. Send this message to the number 16222.

If you’re applying for subjects with two papers (like Bangla and English) under one subject code, the application fee is TK. 125. You can apply for multiple subjects in a single SMS by separating the subject codes with a comma (,).


How is the SSC result graded for the Comilla Board?

A+ (GPA 5.00) for marks 80-100
A (GPA 4.00) for marks 70-79
A- (GPA 3.50) for marks 60-69
B (GPA 3.00) for marks 50-59
C (GPA 2.00) for marks 40-49
D (GPA 1.00) for marks 33-39
F (Fail) for marks below 33

How can I check my SSC result for the Comilla Board?

1. Go to the Comilla Board website.
2. Select either “Individual Result” or “Institute Base Result” option.
3. Enter your roll number.
4. To get the Comilla Board Marksheet.
5. If you prefer to download paperless results, enter your institution’s EIIN number.
6. Click the “Submit” button to proceed.

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